Building your online personal brand takes a lot of time and effort. With so many platforms, tactics, and nuances to understand and master, devising a strategy can be tricky to navigate. Biz Online Marketing shares ten strategies for you to build up your personal brand online efficiently and effectively.
1. Know your personal brand online
One of the first, and arguably most important, steps in building your personal brand online is knowing deep down what you want that brand to look like. Before you start, or continue to, build an empire of a personal brand online, be sure to check in with yourself, and your team, and make sure you know what image you are trying to paint online. You should know what you want your personal brand online to represent, how you want to represent it, and why you are doing so. Answering these questions and mapping them out into a digital online marketing strategy can be difficult. However, it is essential for successfully building a digital brand and keeping your image consistent.
2. Keep the content coming
One of the key components of expanding brand exposure and building a more robust personal brand online is keeping an endless stream of content. SEO standards, keywords, backlinking, and results pages are constantly updating and changing. To better your contents’ results rankings and/or maintain their high ranking, staying up to date with these changes is crucial. As an industry expert with lots of experience, you and your team should have a plethora of ideas and topics around which to create content. Syncing this content up with keyword trends, current events, and the latest industry news and innovation will generate better rankings, keep your content interesting, and prove your expertise in the field. Essentially, constant quality content creation makes up the meat of your personal brand.
3. Link yourself into the content you create
Beyond constant content creation, your personal brand online grows upon your use of links and tags. Links and tags connect online users and related content to what you produce, with the hopes that it will incite more traffic to your piece. Increasing traffic levels to your content is not the only important piece of linking and tagging though. Using these techniques allows audiences, readers, and viewers to see who you are get a better idea of you as a professional. Tagging your personal LinkedIn account in the content you and your company produce encourages this sharing. It builds a foundation with the audience before they have even met you. All these aspects help build up your personal brand online by exposing you and your profile. Audiences will gain a better understanding of you as a person and a professional.
4. Utilize cross-media marketing
Cross-media marketing is an extremely valuable tool that companies and professionals can utilize nowadays. This digital marketing strategy employs different digital mediums to reach audiences, but the message across these platforms stays consistent. The creative content may differ in terms of presentation, appearance, style, or format, but the story remains the same. This marketing tactic can be especially useful in improving your strategy for your personal brand online. You will diversify the types of content your audience sees, communicating that you and your company are versatile, flexible, and forward-thinking. Moreover, using a cross-media marketing strategy will allow you to engage with different types of audiences, consumers, and industry experts. Those using Instagram or Twitter differ than those solely using LinkedIn. Use these differences to your advantage to reach new market segments and expand your brand exposure.
5. Understand your online market segmentation
Knowing your audience is key to creating solid content. Based on how you segment your market, your message and/or medium used to reach them could differ. To best reach and communicate with each market segment, you should understand which platforms they use, why thye use it, and how they use it. This will better, and more effectively, expose your personal brand online to different consumers.
6. Position yourself as a thought leader
An important part of consumer psychology is the power of influence. According to research experts, the power of influence and psychology is rather great when it comes to the business world. There are certain pieces of a company or individual that gives them more ability to influence and attract consumers to their product or business. One of these is the title of authority. Authority is the assumption that an individual or a business has sufficient experience and expertise in a given field and, as a result, can properly ‘prescribe’ a solution, give advice, or share reliable information.
To best build your personal brand online and establish authority and trust, you must position yourself as a thought leader in the industry. A thought leader will help you earn a badge of ‘authority’ and credibility within the industry. Much of the content you produce, will versatile, should circle back around to original ideas and innovative thinking. Position yourself as a thought leader in the industry, and your personal brand online will improve dramatically. Moreover, audiences, consumers, and industry experts will be more inclined to come to you for tips, tricks, and even business because you have that ‘authority’ appearance.
7. Network online and offline
Building a personal brand online actually involves quite a bit of work offline too. The network and connections you make offline can substantially impact and help the brand you build online. Firstly, having more followers, connections, friends, subscribers, etc. on any online platform increases brand exposure and content sharing. This means that not only do more people know about you and your brand, but their people will start to know and see more of you too without even following you. Additionally, connections help with content creation and expertise. If you are doing a piece on a particular issue in an industry and your network consists of someone who is an expert in that field, you can include them in your piece. Asking for advice, information, and guidance is highly encouraged because you can take what they give you and apply it to your business or content.
8. Consistency is key
Your personal brand strategy should remain fairly consistent throughout all the content you produce. With so many different platforms and mediums, be sure that all the messages, content, and expertise are cohesive and complementary to each other. Sending mixed messages through these platforms will create confusion amongst consumers about your brand, your experience/expertise, and what you bring to the table.
9. Qualify yourself as an experienced professional/expert
As mentioned earlier, you should frame yourself as a thought leader throughout your personal brand online and its content. However, simply framing yourself as such won’t completely take care of convincing your audience. You need to act like a thought leader, and further explicitly qualify yourself throughout your content. Qualifying yourself means you are sharing with consumers, readers, viewers, etc. of your prior professional experiences, non-professional but applicable experiences, and any qualifications, certificates, and/or organizations you have earned or are a part of. This supports your image as a thought leader, and it explicitly tells the audience what you know.
10. Mirror the successful
Finally, to successfully build your personal brand online, you should track which tips and tricks you are using, the exposure your brand is gaining, and what works for you and your brand. Every brand is different, with different strategies and goals. It’s important to learn and know what works for you and your personal brand online. This will allow you to better allocate time, resources, and content to these strategies, which will better build your brand. Additionally, aside from learning and adopting the tactics and practices that work best for you, you should also watch other brands and companies. Take note of what they are doing online to grow their brand and try it out. Tailor their tactics to you and your brand to see if they are something that could work for you.
Wrapping up
Building your personal brand online is extremely important for expanding your company and its clientele portfolio. There are many different strategies and tactics one can employ when devising a plan for their online marketing scheme. For more insight into these tips and tricks, follow Biz Online Marketing on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. To get started on your personal brand online, contact Biz Online Marketing today.