Online marketing is the way of the world now. Companies are investing more time, energy, resources, and human capital into developing digital marketing strategies now more than ever. Part of creating a well-rounded and successful campaign is the creation of online marketing, or website, videos. These website videos have proven to be extremely effective in the digital marketing space for a number of reasons. Their success though doesn’t come without investing ample time and work into the final products. Editing website videos is a crucial step in grooming your marketing campaign and these videos to best serve and interact with the audience.
It may seem like editing website videos requires years of experience and expertise. While it never hurts to have these two things in your back pocket, they aren’t necessarily required. Whether you’re a novice at editing website videos or you’re a professional, there are certain tips and tricks that will make the final product better compared to your competitors’. Below, Biz Online Marketing gives an overview of five insider tips for editing website videos.
Editing website videos: where to start
Before getting to the tips and tricks of editing website videos, you first must have the appropriate tools and software. Depending on what type of video you’re looking to produce, the tools and resources you need going into it will vary. There are so many types of online marketing videos, all of which use different filming techniques, animations, cameras, lighting, and other components.
Aside from tools needed for the initial shooting, you’ll also need to have the proper software and resources for watching and cutting content and editing website videos. There are a handful of free applications online that allow you to engage in minimal video editing. If your marketing budget is tight and you don’t need too many bells and whistles to successfully edit, these free sites could be the right choice for you.
However, to ensure high-quality video content, you want to pay for a software that allows you to edit, layer, and tweak many different aspects of your video. Adobe Spark and Adobe Premiere Pro are two of the most popular programs for editing website videos. Both programs can be easy to use with little to no experience, but also offer incredible opportunities and editing techniques for those with experience. They serve the entire spectrum when it comes to experience with editing website videos. Other popular options include Magisto, Vimeo, and Corel VideoStudio Ultimate. You can also always hire a digital marketing agency to help you navigate editing the videos and putting the content together.
#1: Keep the picture interesting
Whether your website video is an interview, product demonstration, testimonial, or a deeper dive into your company, keep the content interesting. Already, online videos are more effective at engaging audiences and viewers than text is. You still need to ensure though that what the audience is seeing is interesting. One way of doing this is varying the camera angels of the shot. Changing the camera angels not only keeps the picture moving for the audience, but it also can communicate subtle messages about the video, product, or purpose itself.
While changing camera angels and keeping the picture moving is important, caution yourself not to get carried away. Too much movement and changing can overwhelm and confuse the audience. When there is too much movement, viewers lose focus on the intent and message behind the video and start focusing on the actual production of it. Producing and editing website videos is important, but it should not be the priority of your audience.
#2: Use animation and transitions
No matter the type of online marketing video you are creating and editing, you should include animation and transitions when editing. Incorporating animation into your video is an effective and fun way to liven up the picture. When editing website videos, it can be tempting to stick to only what you have on camera. Even if the majority of your shots involve real people, products, or places, animation can still be a part of the video. Including animation in the beginning and end of your video will help add personality to your content. Also, when editing website videos, the animation you use should incorporate your company colors. This is always a nice added touch and discretely reinforces your brand image, therefore encouraging brand recognition.
Editing website videos also entails including effective and smooth transitions. Be sure that the picture and sound transition are clear, and neither is cut off abruptly. You can use animation well editing in transitions as well. All the transitions should flow and, should animation be used, consistent.
#3: Include your company logo
Your company logo is an important part of building up your brand recognition. Online marketing videos are incredibly effective at capturing audience attention and building that recognition through the message and content they see. The final piece to optimizing screen space, audience attentiveness, and the effectiveness of your marketing video is to include your company logo at all times. When editing website videos, your company logo should be the first image the audience sees. This way, there is no doubt or confusion on who is delivering the information. Moreover, you should effectively wrap up your website video by including your company logo again, and any contact information you wish to include.
To go above and beyond these two steps, include your company logo or name throughout the entirety of the video. When editing website videos, place a small version of it in the corner of the shot. Even if your audience doesn’t consciously notice it, your logo is still a part of the whole picture they are seeing and decoding. This reinforces that brand recognition these online videos are striving to achieve. There are other subtle and creative ways for you to include your company logo when editing website videos. How you incorporate it becomes personal preference and a matter of skill/experience with the editing software.
#4: Make it short and sweet
Editing website videos take a fair amount of time. However, the final product you produce and share online should be short, sweet, and to the point. Audiences dedicate more time and attention to online marketing videos. However, that doesn’t mean they are willing to watch a fifteen-minute video on product promotion. The final video should be concise, entertaining, interactive, and to the point. After editing, the final products should last under three minutes. Depending on the type of video, this standard can vary. In general terms, under three minutes is the best bet for keeping audiences engaged and getting the message across.
#5: Link to other pages and videos
Nearing the end of the process for editing website videos is the inevitable backlinking stage. You should include links to other pages and posts you have at the end of the video. You should also include pertinent contact information like email, phone number, and any other points of contact that could be of use to the viewer. This will encourage them to keep engaging with your website, videos, and other online content. Moreover, you can also queue up another video to begin playing next if you have sufficient experience editing website videos and can navigate that task. Regardless of how you go about it, there should be incentive and opportunity for the audience to engage further with your site.
Wrapping up
Editing website videos can be difficult to navigate. Essentially, it is a balancing act between saying, showing, or doing too much and doing too little. You want to connect and engage with the audience without overwhelming them. You want to differentiate yourself and communicate a message, while also improving brand recognition. Editing website videos requires you to not only have practical, technical experience with the software. You also have to have a talent for connecting through digital mediums. Both skills take time and practice to master. These tips and tricks will help you on your way to mastering the process of editing website videos. To learn more about online marketing videos, check out our accounts on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. For assistance, advice, or professional guidance on editing website videos, contact our team today.